Friday 29 March 2013

4th Storey Building

Persepective View

                                                               Enlarged View

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Curtain Walls House

Testing curtain walls & create simple design.

Revit Shortcut Key-ins

Edit Commands
MD Modify
SA Select All
MV Move
CO Copy
RO Rotate
AR Array
MM Mirror
RE Resize
GP Group
PP Pin Position
UP Unpin Position
CS Create Similar
PR Properties

View Commands
VP View Properties
F8 Dynamically Modify View (3D Orbit)
VG Visibility Graphics
WF Wire Frame Shading
HL Hidden Line Shading
SD Shading with Edges
TL Thin Lines
ZR Zoom Region

ZZ Zoom Region
ZO Zoom out 2x

ZV Zoom out 2x
ZF Zoom to Fit

ZX Zoom to Fit
ZA Zoom All
ZS Zoom to Sheet Size
ZP Zoom Previous

ZC Zoom Previous
HH Hide Object
HI Isolate Object
HC Hide Category
IC Isolate Category
HR Reset Hide/Isolate

Modeling Commands
WA Wall
DR Door
WN Window
CM Component

Drafting Commands
LI Lines
DI Dimension
EL Spot Dimension
TX Text
GR Grid
LL Level
TG Tag-By Category
RM Room
RT Room Tag
DL Detail Lines

F7 Spelling
MA Match
LW Linework
PT Paint
SF Split Face
AL Align
SL Split Walls and Lines
TR Trim/Extend"
OF Offset

Window Commands
WC Window Cascade
WT Window Tile

Snap Overrides
SI Intersections
SE Endpoints
SM Midpoints
SC Centers
SN Nearest
SP Perpendicular
ST Tangents
SW Work Plane Grid
SQ Quadrants
SX Points
SR Snap to Remote Objects
SO Snaps Off
SS Turn Override Off


Opening Blog

Create new blog in 27 March 2013. In this blog I  want to keep my notes regarding revit that I learn.